Bootc & Podman

December 9, 2024

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Bootable Containers

my podman & bootc code is checked in here

The bootc project (docs) has been working to create bootable containers. While the immediate use was not clear to me I still had enough curiosity to try it out. Here is my current understanding of why bootable containers are worthwhile.

  • the Docker container model of layers works well and can be applied to an OS as well
  • existing Docker tools for code scans, validation and signing can also apply to the OS
  • better security and reliability since all directories except for /etc and /var are mounted read only
  • system can self-update when a new image is detected in the remote registry
  • system can automatically roll back when there is an issue with the new image
  • the pre-build remote registry becomes a better source of truth (however, there are still significant deploy time configuration which we will get into)
  • easy factory resets

The main projects which are moving tech forward in a stateless/immutable OS space are NixOS and CoreOS. I see the value in explicit configuration checked in and defined at build time.

There is a phrase that has popped up a few times for this, move left. This means catching as many potential issues before runtime as possible.


       / -     - \
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The other new technology I decided to try at the same time was podman. Podman is a Docker alternative and has better performance and security. Unfortunately, its developer experience is nowhere near as good as Docker (notably a lack of docker-compose drop in support 😮‍💨). However, now that I have learned it, I'm glad I did.

Here is what I love about Podman:

  • creating a .container file (or any of the resource type files) in /.config/containers/systemd will automatically create and run a systemd service for it. This is an incredible idea!
  • unlike Docker, podman does not run on a daemon with escalated privileges. There are numerous bad security effects Docker suffers from this design. Podman fixes this and correctly puts the process back into user space. This also means Podman is more performant, especially in startup times, due to its daemonless design
  • automatic update feature built in
  • automatic roll back support
  • very high compatibility with Docker commands and tools

Here is what I did not like about podman:

  • no compose support working out of the box! I don't know if the project maintainers understand how common docker compose is used for development. I hope this changes (yes I know it's possible to get compose features with some extra work)
  • the common commands are too long. If you change a .container file you will need to run the top three commands to restart and see logs
    • systemctl --user daemon-reload
    • systemctl --user restart containerNameHere
    • journalctl --user -u containerNameHere -f
    • /usr/libexec/podman/quadlet --user --dryrun (validates the resource files)
  • the extra security has downsides compared to docker's high ease of use
    • Volume mounts require a :z or :Z at the end. I would prefer if the :Z behavior was by default
    • some additional security labels are needed and it's not clear which or why at times. I often would just resort to PodmanArgs=--privileged to get something to work
    • it's not easy enough to run containers without the user logged in. I understand why this is not the default but it should be easier than running the command loginctl enable-linger $USER as well as a line in the .container
  • other nitpicks/friction:
    • short names behave different. Meaning you can't use image: cloudflare/cloudflared but instead must use (this behavior can be sorted with a config)
    • need to define TimeoutStartSec=900 on all containers
    • cumbersome to manage dependent containers. You will get blocked from doing what you want at times
    • need to resort to kubernetes to keep multiple containers in one file
    • volume mounts will fail if the directory does not exist on the host (docker by default creates the folder if it does not exist)

An Example .container file


# notice the longname is being used

# environment variables passed to the container

# read a secret .env file

# mount a volume
# the :Z tells podman to label files as "private unshared"
# meaning no containers outside the pod can read or write


# allow the container to auto update when podman-auto-update.timer runs


# allow extra time for a new image to download


# automatic startup if linger is enabled

I used a go CLI called podlet to convert my previous Docker compose files to .container files and I'd recommend it

So assuming you have created the folder for the volume mount, enabled linger, and enabled the update timer. Placing the above file under ~/.config/containers/systemd/factorio.container and running systemctl --user daemon-reload && systemctl --user start factorio is all you need. The update timer by default will check daily for a new image and can perform an upgrade with automatic rollback. Since linger and are defined the container will start on boot and does not require the user to be logged in.

want to see other examples? I have all my podman files checked in here

Combining bootc and podman

I spend a week of free time bringing these two technologies to my self-host server

Let's put the two together. The goal is this:

setup my entire self-host server from a single ISO without any manual intervention.

WARN: There were a lot of deadends involved and ultimately I would not recommend anyone attempt this. Especially since the value isn't obvious to me still

Here is where I define what packages to install on my server. Yes, its just git (podman, AMD GPU drivers come preinstalled on Fedora)

RUN dnf update -y && dnf install -y git && dnf clean all

The other half of is done by the Anaconda installer and a kickstart file. Which can automate the following installation steps:

  • users & groups
  • ssh key
  • partitioning
  • bootloader
  • network
  • mounts
  • enable systemd services
  • set hostname
  • write the .container files
# kickstart file
text --non-interactive
lang en_US.UTF-8
keyboard us
timezone --utc America/New_York

# prevent data loss, restrict to one SSD
# use `ls -l /dev/disk/by-id` to find a drive's ID
ignoredisk --only-use=/dev/disk/by-id/nvme-Sabrent_Rocket_Q_CD8E07031F9E02553696

# use `mkpasswd -m yescrypt` to hash a password
rootpw $y$j9T$TLmZI4s0kzyHp5I29M1Mn0$aZqMs5x6tnuWCQGw3aDG1IPx5dMHUgEboSItwdkbXk1 --iscrypted
user --name=codabool --password=$y$j9T$TLmZI4s0kzyHp5I29M1Mn0$aZqMs5x6tnuWCQGw3aDG1IPx5dMHUgEboSItwdkbXk1 --groups wheel --iscrypted

# add a public ssh key
# initial generation can be done with
# ssh-keygen -C ""
sshkey --username=codabool "ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIMfUsfu77V5hCYDnZT/nNc0FH++NfbFrMPMLA5vd3voT"

# dangerously wipe drive, use with care
clearpart --all --initlabel
autopart --noswap

# set a static IP
# use the mac address from `ip a`
network --bootproto=static --device=2c:f0:5d:92:b3:51 --ip= --gateway= --nameserver= --netmask= --activate --onboot=yes

# perform actions as chroot
# package installation should be done in the Dockerfile

# write mount entry
# use `sudo fdisk -l` to get partition UUID
echo "UUID=9ad9e322-be33-4f0c-8c7b-eb5a5fb6bb3b /mnt ext4 defaults 0 0" >> /etc/fstab

# setup podman
mkdir -p /home/codabool/.config/containers/systemd
cd /home/codabool/.config/containers/systemd
git clone .
chown -R 1000:1000 /home/codabool/.config

# enable linger, which allows services to start before login
# `loginctl enable-linger codabool` did not work for me
mkdir -p /var/lib/systemd/linger
touch /var/lib/systemd/linger/codabool

# daily updates to containers with AutoUpdate=registry
# this should be done for rootless and root (rootless happens later)
systemctl enable podman-auto-update.timer

# Symlink the socket unit from system's user-unit dir to
# which will effectively enable the service
# `systemctl --user -M codabool@ enable --now podman.socket` did not work for me
mkdir -p /home/codabool/.config/systemd/user/
chmod 0755 /home/codabool/.config/systemd/user
ln -sf /usr/lib/systemd/user/podman.socket /home/codabool/.config/systemd/user/
ln -sf /usr/lib/systemd/user/podman-auto-update.timer /home/codabool/.config/systemd/user/

# give the machine a name manually
# `hostnamectl set-hostname` does not work for me
echo "mom" > /etc/hostname


I used the bootc image builder to combine the image with the kickstart script (under config.toml here) to create an iso file.

# this skips my podman build and push commands for ``
sudo podman run \
  --rm \
  -it \
  --privileged \
  --security-opt label=type:unconfined_t \
  -v ./output:/output \
  -v /var/lib/containers/storage:/var/lib/containers/storage \
  -v ./config.toml:/config.toml \ \
  --rootfs btrfs \
  --type anaconda-iso \
  --local \

I write the ISO to a USB boot on it from the server. This fully configures my server automatically and clones down my .container files.

It writes an entry to /etc/fstab which mounts my previously configured RAID 1 array to the filesystem. Which is where all .env secrets and persistent volumes are located.

I was able to get hardware acceleration working for the media services due to built in AMD drivers on Fedora.


I still have questions about what if the benefits of bootc are worth the drawbacks. I know that the OS can perform automatic updates if the upstream changes. So, I believe that means if I push to the OS will do an upgrade with automatic rollback. However, since the vast majority of actions took place on the bootstrap install/deployment step (Anaconda + kickstart). I'm left questioning the usefulness of using a bootable container.

I guess if my Containerfile was more than just two lines I would see more benefit. But to be fair, automatic OS updates (assuming I set up that automation of checking upstream Fedora for changes and pushing to my github registry) is nothing to scoff at.

I'll stay tuned to the bootc project as well as NixOS and CoreOS to see how those projects develop. As well as what the claimed benefits are. For now I'm happy to learn of Podman and implement it on my server.

Update Early 2025

I read more of the Bootc documentation and understand more of its update lifecycle. This helped me realize another piece was needed, automatic Image builds. I have written a GitHub workflow which will check the upstream image of fedora-bootc compare it with my image. Then if there is a difference it will build and push a new image.

For a little more detail on that process, I'm using a Image called imagetools to get the distro version of both the upstream and my image. Then I login to GitHub container registry and push the newly build image.

From that point the bootc auto update timer will trigger the update feature of the bootable container. This update service runs these three commands:

bootc upgrade --check
bootc upgrade
bootc upgrade --apply

This will cause the server to restart and boot into the new image. If there is an issue the server will rollback to the previous image.


The road was bumpy, did I mention I worked on this for 5 days, here were the biggest potholes


I attempted with Alma linux first but had trouble building the image. I tried both Rocky and RHEL but they ignored the Anaconda and kickstart steps for some reason. I ultimately just stuck with Fedora. Alma linux would be ideal since it has a long support cycle and better security than Fedora (would require firewall-cmd lines too) but I just couldn't get it to work.

Systemd and /etc

The /etc directory is a mess, there are too many cooks in the kitchen. Bootc explains that OSTree performs a 3-way merge of /etc. It seems that attempting to perform user systemd actions will not work. This is tricky because podman is a user driver process with heavy systemd integration. What this means is that I had to perform the underlying file system action manually.

enable linger

instead of running loginctl enable-linger codabool I needed to create a /var/lib/systemd/linger/codabool file

enable update timer

you want both the root and rootless timer enabled. I found out from the CoreOS docs that as a substitute for systemctl --user enable your.service you can instead create symlinks like this

ln -sf /usr/lib/systemd/user/podman-auto-update.timer /home/codabool/.config/systemd/user/

I needed to do the same for exposing the podman.socket, which the Kuma Uptime service reads under the path /run/user/1000/podman/podman.sock


running hostnamectl will not work so I had to instead manually write the hostname under /etc/hostname

NVIDIA drivers

I was able to add the free and nonfree RPM Fusion repos. However, there were some issues I saw for starting services that NVIDIA depends on (akmod maybe). I just decided to go nuclear and buy a (RX 7600) AMD GPU. Which allowed me to get those sweet built in drivers and better linux support. This worked flawlessly. My Jellyfin and Plex services can use hardware acceleration from a bootable container out of the box.