This is a live project which you can check out (only works on Chrome) here
I attended a different Tadhack back at the end of 2021. This Tadhack was a unique experience for me since it is the first time that I was able to pitch an idea. If you have never been to a hackathon event, the structure of it is that people pitch ideas and form teams to build off that idea. There is usually also a theme or a set of sponsors your idea should involve.
I pitched an idea of using a voice recognition api provided by a sponsor. The idea was that you would play the role of a GPS inside a car. You would provide voice commands on where to go to reach an end goal.
The first day
Most of the day was spent setting up the environment and me working on learning the newest version of react-router. I was surprised to find that many of my teammates have not had git, vs code, or node installed on their machines. So, this was something I walked a couple of them through. Most of them were freshmen at college. I was in their shoes not long ago and I had the help of some super friendly people who made the whole experience so much better. I was happy to be able to fill that role for them for this. Since events like these can often be overwhelming After they all had the essentials installed I directed them to the three.js fiber tutorial. This would be the first use of React for most of them and even the first use of JavaScript for one of them. This did limit the scale of what we could do but I think everyone there can say they contributed something and are happy with how things went.
Presentation day
Like most hackathons our team needed to make a lot of compromises before we were ready to submit. For us, we luckily did not have any major compromise but there were several minor tweaks that needed to get made. Initially the idea was that you would have a top down view with arrows like directions. From there you would say the direction of the arrow or if the driver needed to stop. The challenge was to say it fast enough and in a way that the speech recognition software would understand. Unfortunately drawing directions onto the screen was going to take too much time. Instead I was able to easily make a quick array of random coordinates to place "pedestrians"
Creation of the coordinates for all objects but the player
// create peds
const arr = Array.from(Array(20).keys())
for (const i of arr) {
let x = Math.random() * 3
let y = Math.random() * 3
// randomly determine if + or -
if (Math.random() > .5) {
x *= -1
// randomly determine if + or -
if (Math.random() > .5) {
y *= -1
arr[i] = {x, y, goal: i === 0 ? true : false}
Then from there you can just provide this data to Threejs Fiber which can render it to the screen. All that is needed is to pick a shape. I went with a circle and a red if it was a pedestrian and a green if it was the goal circle
{peds &&, index) => (
<mesh position={[ped.x, ped.y, 0]} key={index}>
<circleGeometry args={[1, 8, 0]} />
<meshStandardMaterial color={goal ? 'green' : 'red'} />
The player is controlling a box which represents the car they are helping to direct. This has the movement options of up, right, left, down or stop. In order to move an object in Three.js you make use of the useFrame hook. This will run your logic every frame so it is important to be performant with whatever is placed inside. For this game we are changing the Box's position every frame.
useFrame((state, delta) => {
if (gameState !== 'play') return
// check endstate
goalCheck(peds, mesh.current.position)
// movement
if (cmd === 'right') {
if (mesh.current.position.x < 3.5) {
mesh.current.position.x += 0.01
} else if (cmd === 'left') {
if (mesh.current.position.x > -3.5) {
mesh.current.position.x -= 0.01
} else if (cmd === 'up') {
if (mesh.current.position.y < 3.5) {
mesh.current.position.y += 0.01
} else if (cmd === 'down') {
if (mesh.current.position.y > -3.5) {
mesh.current.position.y -= 0.01
We perform a call to goalCheck
here to check if the player has reached the end goal circle.
This also will check if the player has hit a pedestrian and will result in a lost game.
The rest of the useFrame hook is spent sending the players car in the correct direction.
There is an additional conditional for ensuring the player can not go out of bounds.
Use your voice
One of the more interesting parts of this application is that you can speak into a microphone and it will understand what words you said. The package that is used for this has made it easy to accomplish this. The only down sides of it are that it must be used inside the Chrome browser and since it is using a microphone must be done over HTTPS. A browser check is done before the game starts and informs the user if they are able to play.
The logic behind interpreting a person's voice can be found here. This will start recording continuously and at an interval of a minute clear the transcript since it gets to be very long.
As good React practice anytime you are creating an interval within the useEffect hook you should clear it in the return.
useEffect(() => {
SpeechRecognition.startListening({ continuous: true })
const interval = setInterval(() => {
}, 1000 * 60) // in milliseconds
return () => clearInterval(interval)
}, [])
The main difficulty was that the voice recognition wanted to output a continuous log. This is not a great match for how people are using it. The issue is in that people would say many words which are not directions and it can be hard to find out which is the intended command. The simple solution for this was to only take the last word of what was said and check if it is one of the 5 possible commands.
useEffect(() => {
const msg = transcript.split(' ').slice(-1)[0].toLowerCase()
if (msg.includes('left')) {
} else if (msg.includes('right')) {
} else if (msg.includes('up')) {
} else if (msg.includes('down')) {
} else if (msg.includes('stop')) {
}, [transcript])
In the opening modal for the game you can test out how well it is recognizing what you say. I think it does an impressive job for how easy to run it is.
To put the whole project together I needed a story for the game. While I really just started the pitch with you play as a GPS I realized that it could be way more interesting. So, I changed the direction and sold it as a company which Tesla can pickup which will help them drive their cars. This was pretty well received and made some laughs which is all I can really hope for.
This was filmed as far of Vincent Tang's TampaDevs popular Meetup group and streamed live to Twitch. Afterword it was then uploaded to YouTube, which was amazing to see. Take a look at our group's presentation!
5m YouTube presentation
Try out the game (only on Chrome) here